Your project is considered our project
We have specials for the end of the Year Season,
Salvador is gifted with the prices
Be Involved in our Process: The owner of SV-countertops is personally involved in every project, from the start to finish, with his expertise for more than 20 years of experience in the fabrication of countertops. He’s working closely with you to ensure you get the exact what you want in your project.
As a first point choose your stone from a variety of granites, marbles, quartzites and quartz, textures and colors, and put your imagination to play with a bunch of suggestion for your project, be on the kitchen or in the bahtrooms. Once selected your stone, select the sink and indiquete us what you like for a backsplash.
After this points we schedule together a field mesuare to be sure your project and our project be finished with the most high grade of satisfaction for both parts involved.
Later on and as the next step is to process and cut, edge and be ready for the last point that will be the installation.
Our experienced team of installers wiil came to your house and do it reality as it was planned. Upon completion, you will be asked to sign, a knowledging that the work is done under you enterely satisfaction.
Is important that during this type of process, we will send you a contract with the price of project, and payment of 50% is required before we start the fabrication. The 50% pending after your installation.

Kitchen Countertops and Full Backsplash